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2020 AGM

Notes of Annual General Meeting (open to all)

held Sunday September 27th 2020  


Members Present:

Carole-Ann Davies (Chair), Steve Watkeys (Secretar),) Nigel Bevan, (NB) Vice Chair.

Outgoing: Wayne Jennings, (WJ) Treasurer. Outgoing members: Mitchell Young (MY), Carlin Underhill (CU), Paul Sullivan (PS), Behfar Koshnevis (BK), and 22 other allotment holders.


Apologies: Wendy Hill, Jane H, M Griffiths


Minutes 2019 AGM:(Available on the website) Approved subject to amendments below.

Two amendments to the minutes were raised: 

1. That the note that ‘persons unknown’ had damaged the now repaired bench was inaccurate and that it was in fact known who was responsible for the damage. 

2. The chair noted that the record that ‘audited accounts’ had been submitted was a misstatement. To her knowledge at the time the accounts were not subject to audit. 

Chair’s Report

The Chair (CAD) gave a brief overview of the process for the meeting and explained that following the reports of the Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and any discussion/questions from the floor, the meeting would move to elect new committee members.  Annually all members step down. The constitution notes that three officers (Chair, Secretary and Treasurer) and nine members will be elected at the AGM each year. There is no set maximum. Existing members may stand for re-election. No prior notice is required in the constitution. Any casual vacancy may be filled by members of the committee and it may appoint additional members as it agrees. 

The Chair’s report noted that since the last AGM and after a wet autumn/winter the year had started well but early in spring activities had been hindered by both personal illnesses and the public health measures brought in during March 2020. At that time the committee had already agreed some projects for water supply and site improvements including road surfaces and adjusted its meeting calendar to reflect fewer but still regular meetings allowing for more tasks to be completed between scheduled meetings. That calendar had been updated and posted on the website. No meetings had been held between March and June and there had been little contact with the Council. Meetings resumed in July with the new calendar. 

The Chair thanked every member of the Committee who had contributed throughout the year to several projects and also to supporting volunteer days, social events, shop etc. The completion of the composting toilet project and the provision of IBC water containers. Her tanks were recorded for Nigel Bevan for his support as Vice Chair, Stephen Watkeys as Secretary, Carlin Underhill, Mitchell Young, Wayne Jennings and Paul Sullivan for all their work and support. She noted the gifting of mature fruit trees, bird boxes and seeds from Natural Resources Wales coordinated by MY and the assistance of NB, PS and on several projects and online communications all of which contributed to site enhancement.  

Special mention was also made of thanks to Peter & Janice Sansom and other friends to the Committee for all their help during the lockdown period and in keep lettings etc moving as well as to volunteers who helped clear the site of waste and fly tipped materials and brought new ideas and social activities forward. 

The Chair then noted that this is her final meeting. Having agreed at the outset to serve two years in total on the Committee she would end that term today and not seek re-election. On the appointment of a new Chair the handover would be immediate


Secretary's Report

Stephen Watkeys echoed some points made by the Chair adding his own sincere thanks for many years of support from the plot-holders and committee members. He noted that he would also be stepping down as Site Secretary. SW noted the contributions of all committee members and the support of members and close friends which he much appreciated. SW reported an increase in the annual financial settlements and a good relationship with the Council, albeit with some communication difficulties made worse by the current public health context. SW then invited questions from the floor and discussions around security arrangements, checking of the CCTV camera, some confusion as to members fees for the National Allotment Association and insurance cover as well as shop discounts arose and it was agreed these needed to be looked into afresh. ACTION: New Committee

Some members expressed disappointment as what they considered to be dismissal of a proposals for the pond area. CAD noted that the proposal had not been brought to the committee in a manner that set out all the details. Both CAD and SW noted that attending meetings to observe and requesting time on the agenda was the best way to bring things forward so that they could be understood and considered in full. A reminder was provided as to the committee contact details - and the website as distinct from the Facebook group:

A note of 77 names on the waiting list was made and concerns were raised about soil condition and the application of manure. It was noted that apparently topsoil required testing, but questions were raised given the regular introduction of manure form various sources. A note of care was made as to potential residual weed killer being present in manure supplies. Clear and cover arrangements for vacant plots were discussed and it was noted that robust landscape membrane should be used along with adequate pegs. A suggestion was made that a maintenance schedule would be helpful to keep an eye on work needed across the site. All of the above were noted as actions for the next Committee meeting. 


Treasurer's Report

WJ reported balances for period 1st September 2019 to 31st August 2020 which is the financial year to which the Committee operates. 

Following expenditure on maintenance, security etc a balance of £4,760 was recorded for the No2 Allotment Account. 

No 1 Account…balance c£20,000 

Questions were raised as to the balance of Section 106 planning contributions monies. It was explained that these were held by the Council not the committee and that upwards of £12,500 had been used for the toilet, for the water containers;security etc 

Details of the balance would be ascertained from the Council along with details of when it should be spent. ACTION; new Committee. 

Election of Officers

All officers announced they were coming to the end of their term of office and no longer wanted to consider re-election. CAD and WJ also  resigned from the committee.

Thus all posts, plus a suggested new vice chair role, needed to be filled.


No nominations had been received prior to the meeting.

 1. From those present Steve Watkeys and Kim Stokes were put forward for Chair. Votes cast : SW 17, KS 8.      SW was elected and welcomed.

2. Kim Stokes was put forward as Vice chair and was elected and welcomed.

No-one was put forward for Treasurer or Secretary.


The following agreed to continue as committee members: Biff Koshnevis, Mitchell Young, Paul Sullivan, Tony Tanti, and were welcomed.

The following agreed to join the committee: Susan Glendinning, Liz Irvin, Steve Stokes, Claudia Wierszylowski, Dorothy Hursthouse, and were welcomed.


Meeting closed at around 1:30 pm
