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2023 AGM

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting


 Sunday 10th September 2023, 11 a.m.



Apologies for absence: Rose John, Janis Sansom, Peter Edwards, Marie Moon.


1. Minutes of the last AGM held on 4.9.2022: Approved


2. Chair’s Report 

Gavin Michael gave a report about the committee’s activities over the past year. He thanked committee members for their work, and Janis and Peter Sansom for dealing with plot lettings. He noted the problems caused by the council employing just one officer to deal with all the city’s allotment sites. He noted the site’s bee accreditation for the second year, the delivery of IBC water tanks to all plots, a biodiversity grant to buy and install bird and bat boxes, a visit by the RHS and NAS, and steady progress at clearing and letting plots. 


3. Treasurer’s Report and Annual Accounts 

Mark Londero presented and explained a summary balance sheet for the association’s accounts for the year ending 31.3.2023. A copy is available to association members on request.


4. Questions from Members

The chair and treasurer took questions from the members. Amongst the matters discussed were concerns about delays between plots being cleared and then let, overgrown plots caused by non cultivation, difficulties issuing clear or quit notices, overgrown verges and roadways, delays to issuing of council rent invoices, the need for more social events, and a lack of council involvement.


5. Election of New Committee:

Chair: Two members were nominated to be chair; James Rides and Gavin Michael. At the request of the candidates, Nigel Bevan, the vice chair, organised a ballot. The meeting was reminded that only plot holders and a representative of each community group were allowed to vote. James Rides received 19 votes and Gavin Michael received 21. Gavin Michael was declared as chair.


Vice-Chair: Two members were nominated to be vice chair; James Rides and Kim Stokes. There was a show of hands. Kim Stokes received 16 votes and James Rides received 24. James Rides was declared as vice chair.


Treasurer: Mark Londero was elected unopposed as treasurer.


Minutes Secretary: Carlin Underhill was elected unopposed as the minutes secretary.


6. Bank Account Signatories 

The meeting agreed that the signatories for the bank accounts should be the treasurer, Mark Londero, the chair, Gavin Michael, and the vice chair, James Rides.


7. Internet Banking User: The meeting confirmed that the treasurer, Mark Londero, should continue as the primary internet banking user.


The meeting closed at 12 a.m.
